[LR 1025] Sub. Code: 4731 Q.P. Code: 664731
B.Sc. (Nursing) Degree Examination Final Year paper I
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing
December 2020
Time : Three Hours Maximum : 75 Marks
I. Elaborate on: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. a) Define Abortion.
b) Explain the types of Abortion with medical and Nursing management.
2. a) Define Infertility.
b) Explain the Causes of Infertility, Investigation and Treatment
II. Write notes on: (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Diagnosis of pregnancy.
2. Immediate assessment of New born.
3. Role of nurse in Obstetrical care.
4. Forceps delivery.
5. MCH programme
III. Short answers on: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. Write any two objectives of Ante-natal care.
2. Define Normal labour.
3. Mention two Diameters of fetal skull.
4. What is Involution of uterus.
5. Define cord Prolapse.
6. Mendel’s syndrome.
7. Lochia.
8. Quickening.
9. Any two indicators of Fetal Wellbeing.
10. Chignon.
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